“Why Don’t You Tweet (X?) More, Dave?”

A communication platform needs to be informative, timely and respectful.

Back in 2017 I thought I found one with Twitter.

I started using it in early 2017 determined to make it a significant part of my communication toolbox — a new way of connecting with others in my community on topics of interest in a way that I had not used. I wanted something that was instantaneous, as well as something where respectful dialogue could take place. Platforms such as the nightly news and periodicals provided one-way information flow. Twitter was poised to be my new two-way communication tool.

I was excited and up for the challenge.

I started out pretty strong too, but faded in my use of it over the first year. Today, in 2024, I still use Twitter …. I mean “X” … but do so sparingly. What I’ve found is that what is often presented on it as ‘fact’ is often just unsubstantiated opinion filled with negative and demeaning commentary.

That is not what I want or need from a professional communication tool.

It used to be a wonderful place to share thoughts and build understanding. And while there is still some of that within it, it is often punctuated with insults, accusations, political rhetoric and hyperbole.

I have pretty much lost interest in it as a reliable, professional communication tool.

(More on Page 2)

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