Why Blog Now?

I am new to blogging — although, if I’m being completely honest, I have been thinking of actually writing a blog about my musings on teaching, learning and leadership for some time now — I believe that it’s been about 12 years give or take 3 or 4.  And, no, I actually do tend to move more quickly on most things that I want to do.   I really prefer to dive into something, work through a process and come out at a place of completion.

Actually, as I reflect on why I have not blogged before now I have come to two main reasons why I have been procrastinating:

  1. Would people actually want to read what I blog about?
  2. There is no finish line in blogging, so it is not exactly in my comfort-zone. I like things that have a beginning, a middle and an end.

Reaching out by Blogging is One Way to Connect with Others

However, I have recently come to the realization that there more reasons to actually write a blog.  Here are a couple of the ones I’ve been contemplating:

I’m New to Saanich

As your new Superintendent, there are undoubtedly a few questions that you might have about me, such as:

  • Who am I?
  • What kind of background do I bring to the role?
  • What are my beliefs and priorities in education?
  • What is my leadership style?
  • What are my priorities when I interact with people?
  • Do I have a sense of humour?
  • and, even … What I do in my spare time?

Let me answer the last question first – some of my favourite activities include hiking, trail running, watching the odd Canucks game, reading historically accurate fiction, and doing my own home renovations – carpentry, dry walling, painting, a bit of electrical, and plumbing.  Plumbing is probably my least favourite activity because it always leaks the first three times I try to fix something — but I’m consistently determined to finish whatever job I start.

Over time, I hope my blog is one place where I can provide some insights into the other questions as well.

Risk Taking

There is no time like the present to jump into something that is a bit frightening.

Lakeland Terrier x Border Collie, Tilly, jumping

It’s Important Sometimes to Leap into the Unfamiliar

I feel it is important to model one of the things that I believe is important in education – risk taking – sure, trying something new puts you in a particularly vulnerable position, but doing new things is what makes one grow.  If I cannot show that I am willing to take risks, how can I ask our students, teachers and district leaders to do the same?  By encouraging appropriate risk taking in our schools we allow our children to grow, our staff to grow — our schools to grow.

So, There It Is

I am now a blogger.  I plan to write often so my content stays fresh.  I encourage feedback and suggestions and perhaps most importantly, I look forward to connecting with my new community.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be part of the Saanich team and I look forward to sharing my ideas, my questions and and my passions as we move forward together.

8 thoughts on “Why Blog Now?

  1. Welcome and thank you for sharing about yourself and being willing to take “risk” that will hopefully lead to innovation and positive systemic changes.


  2. Welcome to Saanich. It is a very beautiful, diverse and engaged community which you will find reflected in our children and schools. I appreciate your nice welcome message and your willingness to share some information and insights about yourself and your leadership approach. I share your passion for home renovations and your love of watching the odd Canucks game (though the last couple of years have been somewhat odder than usual). I look forward to meeting you and I am optimistic about the times ahead for education. Well done on your 1st blog!


    • Thank you, Cheryl. It’s great that people are enjoying my first foray into blogging. I hope that by doing so I generate some interesting dialogue and conversation. I look forward to meeting you as well in the not too distant future.


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